Home » Melissa Meikle

Melissa Meikle

Senior HR Adviser

I joined Yarm School September 2005 for Sixth Form. From my time at Yarm, I recall many fond memories of sporting competitions, Sixth Form dinners and end of term ceremonies. The majority of the enjoyment from my time was in part due to friendships with peers and supportive teaching staff.

Returning as a member of staff, I have seen countless positive changes in the infrastructure of the school, my younger self would have really appreciated the on tap cappuccinos from the Shack! What I enjoy most about my job is that I get to work with staff across all aspects of their employee lifecycle including from recruitment to retirement.

Melissa Meikle

Looking for the right Sixth Form for September 2025? Our Twilight Tours offer a fantastic opportunity to explore our facilities and learn more about the exceptional academic and extracurricular opportunities available at Yarm.

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