Prep School Wins an Eco-Schools Green Flag Award

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Prep School Wins an Eco-Schools Green Flag Award

Yarm Preparatory School has been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag Award for the first time, joining the Senior School who has received this accreditation four times consecutively.

Eco-Schools is the largest educational programme worldwide. It has been empowering schools to protect their environment for 25 years and currently engages around 19.5million children across 67 countries. Its Seven-Step framework has been designed to help pupils enhance their environmental awareness whilst empowering them to drive change within school and the wider community.

What are our Green Credentials?

Yarm School strives to be an eco-conscious School. We implement a number of initiatives like this one to promote an awareness of a sustainable and ecological environment as we believe it is critical to empower our youngest minds and future leaders to make positive changes.

Our Prep School currently has two Eco-clubs. Each week the clubs come together to debate and discuss the issues that are the most important in demonstrating that we can all be responsible for our own actions and the effect they have on the planet. They continue to work hard to prove how we can all be responsible for the interactions we have with our local and global community.

The whole school, from Nursery to Year 6, has embraced an approach to being eco-friendly:

  • During the school’s plastic week, pupils welcomed reusable cups and cartons of milk to replace non-recyclable cartons.
  • To support our local butterflies, our Year 4s made butterfly houses. Pupils from across the school also studied their habitats and planted pots to support them.
  • Pupils in our Pre-Prep arranged a beach clean on Saltburn beach, one of our many local beaches here in North Yorkshire.
  • Our Eco-club acquired two new allotments. The children will work alongside Yarm Town Council to grow fruit and vegetables.

Head of Prep, Bill Sawyer, said: “It’s fantastic that Yarm Prep School has joined the Senior School in receiving its Green Flag Award. Being environmentally friendly plays a key part in the school’s curriculum and we are delighted to receive recognition for our environmental awareness.”

Andrew Pengilley, Yarm Prep School’s Eco-Coordinator, said: “It’s a very proud moment for us to achieve this.  Yarm Prep School aims to incorporate many aspects of the Eco-School approach to learning in our everyday life.

“We’ve had fantastic support from our parents and the Sixth Form and I’m really proud that everyone has embraced our efforts, which has culminated in us becoming a Green Flag school.”

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